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My Organization

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If your organization is not added to miDot, you can do so here. To add your organization, click in the top menu row on “My Organization.”

My Organization - AhelioTech Knowledge Base - Columbus, Ohio

If you see the following below, your organization has not been added to miDot. Click on the “More Info” button to add it.

You will come to a page that looks like this below. You can fill in the information and then submit it by using the button in the bottom right corner. Please note that this is NOT Instant. It will take a few days for it to show up in miDot.

If your organization is in MiDot, You will see the below image. Please note, for security purposes we have blacked out the Organization name in the top left corner and the employees names and email addresses.

My Organization Details - AhelioTech Knowledge Base - Columbus, Ohio
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